Recover a Migration Job
On this page
Relational Migrator can attempt to recover continuous (CDC) migration jobs that have failed within the preceding 24-hour period. The procedure for recovering a CDC migration job differs, depending on whether you're using the embedded or Kafka deployment mode. For details on each job type, see Data Migration.
About this Task
CDC migration job recovery depends on the type of deployment mode your using. The following table summarizes the modes.
ModeDescriptionEmbedded Mode
Migration jobs that are running on a local machine or a unattended server.
Kafka Mode
Migration jobs that are running with Kafka support.
Examples of embedded mode recoverable scenarios include:
Unexpected application failure
Operating system restarts
Examples of Kafka CDC migration job recoverable scenarios include:
Loss of individual brokers in Kafka cluster
Application-level issues resulting in failed health checks
Click the tab to display the recovery procedure for each deployment mode.