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Self-Managed Kafka Setup Guide

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You can install Relational Migrator on an existing self-managed Kafka cluster including Kafka Connect. This installation method is ideal if you are already running Kafka or you have your own approach to installing and configuring Kafka.


This guide assumes familiarity with Kafka. This documentation and MongoDB Support does not provide support for setting up, configuring, or managing a Kafka cluster.

You must have Kafka and network connectivity to the Kafka Connect cluster from the computer running Relational Migrator.

  1. Download the source connector archive for your source database:

    • MySQL Connector plugin archive

    • Postgres Connector plugin archive

    • SQL Server Connector plugin archive

    • Oracle Connector plugin archive

  2. Unzip the archive.

  3. Copy the debezium-connector.jar file to the debezium-connector directory.

    From the downloaded archive, copy the debezium-connector.jar file to the debezium-connector-xxx directory at Kafka Connect’s plugin.path on your Kafka Connect cluster. For example: /kafka/connect/debezium-connector-sqlserver.

  4. Restart your Kafka Connect cluster.

    When the plugin is successfully registered, the following log statement appears in the kafka-connect start up logs:

    INFO || Added plugin 'io.debezium.connector.sqlserver.SqlServerConnector'
  1. Download the latest version of the kafka-connect-migrator.jar file.

    To download the latest kafka-connect-migrator.jar file, see the Migrator Installer Repository.

  2. Copy the .jar file to the kafka-connect-migrator directory.

    The new kafka-connect-migrator directory is found at Kafka Connect’s plugin.path. For example: /kafka/connect/kafka-connect-migrator.

  3. Restart your Kafka Connect cluster.

    When the plugin is successfully registered, the following log statement appears in the kafka-connect start up logs:

    INFO || Added plugin 'com.mongodb.migrator.kafka.connect.MigratorSinkConnector'

From the download center, select the latest version of the Relational Migrator installer.


To run in kafka-integrated mode, update the following configurations in your file.

Your file is located in an OS specific location. For more information, see Relational Migrator File Locations.

Property Name



The port the Relation Migrator application runs on.


The list of host:port pairs of your pre-existing kafka cluster.

For more information, see Worker Configuration Properties.


The Kafka Connect host url using the {host}:{port} format.


The Kafka Connect Java Management Extensions (JMX) url.

For example: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9876/jmxrmi

For more information about the file, see User Properties.


Start Relational Migrator and check the logs. Confirm that the Kafka profile is active and that there are no errors.

Your log file is located in an OS specific location. For more information, see Relational Migrator File Locations.

After you verify a successful installation, you can create a new project.


Kafka Deployment Guide